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CHON-FM Mourns the Passing of Legendary ON-Air Host Peter Novak

Collage of Peter in the Novak Family Home

CHON-FM is deeply saddened to announce the passing of our friend and on-air host Peter Novak the morning of Sunday November 3rd at Whitehorse General Hospital.

These are the thoughts from his family on his passing:

“We are all very saddened with the loss of Peter. In his personal life he was always kind, considerate, and caring of others. He lived his life by the philosophy of “…do unto others as you would have them do unto you…”. Professionally he was a ‘radio addict’… from his early childhood while listening to far off stations at night… then working part time at a Montreal radio station while going to college… He then moved north to work with CBC and never went back south, making Whitehorse his home. Radio, CHON-FM and Yukon were his first loves.

Being able to tell stories, and inform and entertain listeners was what made Peter the happiest. He believed the better information his listeners had, the better decisions they could make… all while entertaining them with music and stories.

Peter was a great father, brother, son, friend and professional, and will always be remembered as such.”

-The Novak family.


On behalf of the CHON-FM staff and the board of Northern Native Broadcasting, Yukon, we wish to offer our condolences to Peter’s family and friends. He will be greatly missed.

To hear a short clip of Peter on-air, click here: 

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