The polling day for by-elections will occur on Monday, October 22 between 3-8pm.
The polling day for by-elections of Yukon school council member nominations is quickly coming up on Monday, October 22, 2018 between 3-8 pm.
Nominations will be taking place in five attendance areas across the Territory. These schools include Ross River School, Saint Elias Community School in Haines Junction, Eliza Van Bibber School in Pelly Crossing, Nelnah Bessie John School in Beaver Creek and Takhini Elementary School in Whitehorse.
School Council Liaison Bob Walker discussed with Chon News how schools are getting the word out for these vacancies.
"Elections Yukon has created posters that will be put up in the schools, returning officers have been hired, there's flyers prepared for each one of these by-elections for distribution, our principals will (also) put notification in their newsletters. We're trying real hard to get the word out"
Walker also spoke regarding how people can get more information regarding becoming a school council member.
"There's materials on the Department of Education website and they can also give me a call at (867)-667-8226."
Reviewing school plans, helping with the hiring of principles, helping provide direction on school based budgets,and giving general advice regarding school practices are some of the roles a council member plays.
Nomination papers are available at all the schools listed that are having by-elections and nominations for those elections will close on October 11th at noon.