The territorial and federal governments will be undertaking two different research projects across Yukon.
The Canadian and Yukon governments are collaborating in two research projects across the territory to investigate and resolve the impacts of climate change on northern transportation infrastructure.
The first project is designing and construction of stabilization mechanisms to address permafrost issues around Dry Creek, located along kilometer 1841 on the Alaska Highway. A total of 2.3 millions dollars will be provided by Transport Canada over the duration of the project.
The second project is to study how climate change is impacting northern highways and what adaptations are needed to address the problem.
The research for the second project will focus on the Dempster Highway in the Yukon and Northwest Territories as well as the Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk HIghway.
Three phases will be implemented on the second project will be completed by March of 2021.
Transport Canada will be providing $980,850 to the project and Yukon Highways and Public Works will be providing $326,950 to the project for a total cost of 1.3 million dollars.