The topics ranged from economic development, housing costs, and Indigenous communication.
On July 3rd, Conservative party leader Andrew Scheer discussed goals and plans for Canada should his party win the federal election.
The topics ranged from economic development, housing costs, and Indigenous communication.
Scheer reiterated that his first piece of legislation he would pass, if he wins the election, would be getting rid of the new Carbon Tax that was just implemented in the Yukon on July 1st, "Job number one for the Conservative government come October, our first piece of legislation, will be titled 'an act to repeal the Carbon Tax.' We are going to scrap that. Once and for all."
Scheer also spoke about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) report and explained how a Conservative government would address the issue, "So ensuring that when there is a young girl or a woman who has gone missing, that there is a response that is there for that. In addition, (we want) tougher penalties to the human trafficking side. We know in many of these cases young girls are lured into leaving with someone who puts them to a life of prostitution - that's just tragic. The government needs to... hold those people accountable for their actions"
In early June, Scheer came under public scrutiny when he rejected the use of the word 'genocide' in the final MMIWG report. He claimed that MMIWG was it's own tragedy separate from the term 'genocide'.
In addition to MMIWG, Scheer spoke on Indigenous language and communication, "We've been supportive of some of the measures aimed at preserving Indigenous language. There's a bill that we supported this session that did precisely that. We are committed to getting Indigenous consultations right upfront so that when we get big projects proposed, whether they're mining projects or pipeline projects, that we can ensure that Indigenous Canadians and Indigenous communities can benefit from that."
Scheer is likely referring to Bill C-91, titled 'An Act Respecting Indigenous Languages'. It aims to provide long-term funding for Indigenous languages, establish an Office of the Commissioner of Indigenous Languages, and provide collaboration between federal, provincial, territorial, and Indigenous governments to deliver supports for Indigenous languages.
When it came to northern issues, Scheer assured that his government would be working with the north, "I'm here to tell you today that throughout the campaign we will be making key announcements, including specific policy proposals, that will speak to those concerns that will unlock the untapped potential in so many parts of Northern Canada."
Finally, Scheer spoke about how the Conservative party would lower the cost of living, citing the rising costs in the north, "We are also going to address things like housing prices. (That includes) not just helping people qualify for new mortgages or to save for that first down payment. That's important, but if we have a government that only focuses on the demand side of the equation, then prices will just continue to rise. That's why our government will work with territorial, provincial, and municipal leaders to cut down on development times and streamline regulations so we can get more housing units on the market. That will have a bigger effect on prices than anything the government can do as it relates to the demand side"
The Conservative party is currently leading in national polls prior to the election, which will take place on October 21st, 2019.