The Government of Yukon is extending the state of emergency under the Civil Emergency Measures Act to allow the Ministerial Orders issued under CEMA to remain in place to continue to support and protect Yukoners, including the Health Protection Order.
Minister of Community Services John Streicker announced no new COVID cases in the territory at the COVID-19 update today. The count remains at 15 and all people have fully recovered.
The Government of Yukon is extending the state of emergency under the Civil Emergency Measures Act to allow the Ministerial Orders issued under CEMA to remain in place to continue to support and protect Yukoners, including the Health Protection Order.
Ministerial Orders issued under CEMA include a range of measures, such as health protections setting requirements for entry to Yukon, and mandatory self-isolation when applicable, along with other orders that extend benefits and protections related to economic impacts, such as landlord and tenant protections. The state of emergency and accompanying orders enable the government to adapt and respond rapidly to the pandemic and to keep pace with developments across Canada, with the aim to minimize risk and help Yukoners to manage through uncertainty.
As of September 9, the following Ministerial Orders have been repealed:
Self-Isolation Exception for Traditional Activities;
Property Tax Relief;
Remote Cannabis Sales, Virtual Commissioning;
Signing and Witnessing; and
the Amendment of Government Contract Provisions.
The Driver Medical Order, which temporarily exempted drivers who are 70 years of age or from having to submit a medical examination certificate, if required, will expire in 90 days.
Minister of Community Services, John Streicker said in a statement, We know that Yukoners are concerned about the continued possibility of importing COVID-19 to the territory. As a territory we have done well because we have worked together to protect the Yukon and guard against this pandemic. Nothing is more important than protecting the health and wellbeing of all Yukoners. Extending the state of emergency does not mean there is an increased risk to Yukoners at this time. The purpose of the extension is to ensure our government can continue to react quickly and to respond to the needs of Yukoners during COVID-19.
Dr. Brendan Hanley says as individuals, the best advise right now is to keep our social circles small. All Yukoners can continue do their part in ensuring the health and safety of their family members, neighbours and communities by practising the Safe 6.