COVID-19 update April 7

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley speaking at today's COVID-19 update.

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley reported no new cases of COVID-19 in the territory at today's COVID update. There is also some new information about variants.

Dr. Hanley says the two most recent cases have recovered and there are no active cases in the Yukon.


He went on to say that more is now known about variants.


“They spread more easily from one person to another. It is now clear that they cause more sever illness. They have much more affinity for younger people and they can re-infect people previously infected with COVID and some variants may be more resistant to vaccine.” Says Hanley.


Dr. Hanley says that current vaccines are effective against the B.1.17 variant but the effectiveness against the P.1 variant is unknown.  He says the best protection is following public safety measures and getting vaccinated.


Dr. Hanley went on to say that previously, he said the goal is to get 75 percent of the eligible population vaccinated but he would like to see the number higher. Currently 68 percent of population is vaccinated.


Dr. Hanley also says that there are resurgence plans in place if things get worse, but he is optimistic about relaxing restrictions in the future. He says his team is working through some considerations for the next government with regards to opening the borders.


Dr. Hanley wrapped up by saying that COVID-19 will be with us for some time.


“I expect that we will be living with COVID for years to come. I think all indications are that it will become and endemic infection.” Says Hanley.







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