FNSB is putting culture and family 'back into the centre' of education: Flynn
The Yukon's First Nation School Board (FNSB) is helping put First Nation "families back into the centre of their children's education," Melissa Flynn, FNSB's Executive Director, said at the Council of Yukon First Nations' General Assembly on Wednesday. This is already being reflected in community school calendars for the upcoming school year, she added, in that students have scheduled time away from the classroom to allow for hunting and harvesting activities with their parents.
Flynn was addressing the delegation of Chiefs and spectators at the event hosted by Champagne and Aishihik First Nations at Łu Ghą (Klukshu). Flynn, a Tr'ondek Hwech'in First Nation citizen, is a longtime educator, a Han language teacher, and a former vice principal.
"Change is already in place that we aren't seeing anywhere in Canada," added Dana Tizya-Tramm, former Chief of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, and chair of the FNSB. The FNSB was established in February 2022 and five school trustees were elected in November 2022.