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How We Walk with the Land and Water renews its charter

Left to right: TKC Chief Amanda Leas, C/TFN Deputy Chief Darla Jean Lindstrom, and KDFN Chief Sean Smith raise their freshly signed copies of the renewed charter for How We Walk with the Land and Water (Photo: S. Bonell)

Seven years after the initiative began, leadership from three First Nations reunite to reaffirm their commitment.

How We Walk with the Land and Water has renewed its charter.

Last week, leadership from Kwanlin Dün First Nation, Ta’an Kwäch’än Council, and Carcross/Tagish First Nation met at Kettley’s Canyon, where the nations’ traditional territories overlap, to sign the renewal of their agreement to prepare for Chapter 11 Land Use Planning for the Southern Lakes.

In his remarks after signing the renewed charter, Kwanlin Dün First Nation Chief Sean Smith expressed his gratitude for the cooperation involved with How We Walk with the Land and Water. Growing up, Smith had the opportunity to learn about the land from his family.

“I was fortunate to have grandparents that took me on the land and showed me a lot of different things,” said Smith. “And those teachings; I’ll never forget them.”

“Every place is our classroom, is our learning space. When we open our minds and open our hearts, then we can learn and grow and become strengthened together.”

Speaking with CHON-FM, Ta’an Kwäch’än Council Chief Amanda Leas said that she’s impressed with the initiative’s work so far, and looks forward to seeing what comes next.

“It’s been such an effort with all three nations over the last several years,” said Leas. “And I think the momentum is to just keep going and to continue this course. We’re doing wonderful things, and as you can tell from this amazing event with so many people in attendance, it’s just really that testament of the hard work and the importance of what we’re doing.”

How We Walk with the Land and Water began in 2017. More information on the initiative, including maps and documents, can be found online at

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