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Indigenomics Luncheon Takes Place at Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre

Carol Anne Hilton gave her keynote speech at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre today.

The Indigenomics Institute CEO Carol Anne Hilton was a keynote speaker at a Kwanlin Dun Cultral Centre event today, highlighting that more economic inclusion is needed for Indigenous businesses, organization and communities across the country.

The Indigenomics Institute CEO Carol Anne Hilton Carol Anne Hilton, Assembly of Yukon First Nations  Regional Chief Kluane Adamek, and Kwanlin Dün First Nation Executive Elder Judy Gingell all were part of an luncheon at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre today.

The event was a joint collaboration with the Yukon First Nation Chamber of Commerce, and Hilton made a keynote address outlying how Indigenomics is helping to  create more awareness around economic inclusion for Indigenous businesses, organizations and communities across the country.

During the two hour luncheon, HIlton highlighted that language in legislation is a big component to shaping the future of Indigenomics.

"New thinking today will evolve the strength of the Indigenous relationship and new language will get us there. The language that shapes the formation of this country was primarily exclusive in its nature. Indigenomics is a neutral platform for inclusion, reconciliation, and for designed economic growth. That new language (must be) neutral and not be weighted with legal baggage."

Hilton also highlighted that addressing the economic gap still evident in Canada today will help to bring economic prosperity to more Indigenous people.

"The simple fundamental truth of how do we build processes for economic growth and inclusion, is the truth that must be addressed within the leadership of Canada itself. The ability to understand that lived reality and building processes for inclusion is the time of economic reconciliation today."

Hilton highlighted increasing or establishing entire First Nations equity in economic corporations and the creation of more local First Nations boards and councils in communities as some examples of increased economic reconciliation for Indigenous peoples. 

Dendys says it was great to have so many First Nation corporations and representatives at the event. 

"I'm here as  a participant and to talk about some of the (First Nations) work were doing on behalf of the Yukon government. We have an incredible turnout here today from our business community and from partners across the territory. That includes a lot of Yukon First Nations development corporation representatives here as well."

Dendys also highlighted in her speech that a large portion of the new Yukon Tourism Development Strategy is committed to strengthening economic partnerships for First Nations across the territory. 

Hilton has an international Masters Degree in Business Management from the University of Herfordshire, Englance and is of the Nuu chah nulth descent from the Hesquiaht Nation on Vancouver Island.

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