The plan will be finalized this fall.
The Minister of Indigenous Services Jane Philpott and the President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami Natan Obed jointly announced today an Inuit-targeted Child First Initiative and Framework for improved access to imperative services.
The Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami is a national representational organization aimed at protecting and advancing the right and interests of Inuit in Canada.
Services announced include easier access to health, social and educational necessities for Inuit children. The plan will be finalized this fall.
Interim measures are also being put into place for Inuit families to submit requests to Indigenous Services Canada on behalf of Inuit children requiring these services.
In the meantime, families of Inuit children can seek these services via website at or via a call centre at 1-855-572-4453.
The announcement also states the plan is incorporating Inuit partners, provinces and territories to finalize the framework for the initiative.
President Obed notes the services will be life-changing and are long overdue.