A free festival took place this past weekend in the small village of Keno, with great success despite the rain.
Keno City Music Festival
The Keno City Music Festival was a hit this weekend.
Over 25 musical acts to the rustic stage to deliver some tunes to the roughly 300 people and about 70 dogs.
Stormy Wednesday performed at Keno Music Fest while the dogs sat about wherever their heart desired
The Saturday was splattered with light to heavy rains but not drowning out the joy throughout the free festival.
Behind Mike Settle looking out into the crowd
Started in the fall of 2015, Keno City Music Fest is a year-round arts organization that presents one of the North’s premier outdoor music festivals each August.
Rick Sward of King Swardfish blended with the boys from Vice & Virtue to form a pick up band when one artist was unable to make the roughly 6 hour journey