Lynda Dickson was officially sworn in as the new Carcross/Tagish First Nation chief at the Carcross Learning Centre yesterday.
Dozens of people turned out today to watch the swearing-in ceremony of Carcross Tagish First Nation Chief (CTFN) Lynda Dickson at the Carcross Learning Centre.
Near the start of the speeches, outgoing Deputy Chief Maria Benoit congratulated incoming Chief Dickson and welcomed her as she officially started her 10-month term.
After Chief Dickson provided her own opening remarks, she noted the importance her Ishkaahittan clan played in guiding her and helping her to get to where she is now.
During her comments, Chief Dickson said board and committee meeting had to be more transparent and held more regularly moving forward within her First Nation. Chief Dickson also highlighted that keeping up more with the First Nation's Family Council organization was another initiative she'd be working on to help keep more children together in the community.
Chief Dickson says creating a new community healing centre will also be on the top of her agenda.
"We do need a healing centre. CTFN has been talking about healing and feeding themselves for a really long time. That's the reason we bought the farm. So health and healing is a big one. I think if I run again (for chief), I'll carry the initiative on. It still has to go through the general council and a lot of boards and committees have to go through it first. I think it's something that is needed."
Chief Dickson also says a long-term housing plan is also needed in the community.
"We do have a housing shortage. For me, I would like to see a long-term housing plan. We can't just build houses and move people out here. We also need financial stability for the community. I hope to have talks with the development corporation since they're looking at a housing manufacturing plan. Maybe if we work hand-in-hand with the development corporation, we will then be able to build more houses and move people out here to the community. We need to employ our people and empower our people."
Chief Dickson notes more housing could be built for citizens on the First Nation's 150-acre farm on Tagish Road. The farm currently helps provide food and training opportunities for Carcross/Tagish First Nation citizens.
The next Carcross/Tagish First Nation election will be in May of 2020 and the next incoming chief will serve a regular term of four years.