Staring August fourth masks will no longer be mandatory in indoor public spaces.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been ongoing in the territory for over a year and now restrictions are being lifted.
Starting on August fourth Yukoners will be able to smile at one another again. Masks will no longer be mandatory in indoor public spaces, physical distancing will not be required in bars and restaurants, and self isolation rules will be dropped. Gathering size limits will still be in place.
Establishments can still request that patrons dawn a face covering though. Yukon’s Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott says masks will still be a valuable tool for flu season or if you are in long term, close contact with a person who is unvaccinated.
Dr. Elliott says that with vaccination rates high and case counts dropping, it will be safe de-mask soon.
“We can’t keep our lives on pause for much longer, and as we continue to learn the ways of how COVID-19 targets, how it infects people, how it’s transmitted, we have to transition to a time of living with COVID-19,” said Dr. Elliot at this afternoon’s COVID update.
As of July 16, 85 percent of eligible adults have received their first dose and 79 percent have their second dose.
If case counts continue to decrease, the state of emergency and all other restrictions could be lifted next month.
Dr. Elliott says they will continue to monitor the situation and keep an eye on variants.