The Grand Chief of the Council of Yukon First Nations says, he and membership communities have been engaged in regular conference calls over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grand Chief Peter Johnston says the last call was held yesterday and included Dene Nation leader Raymond Yakelya and Chiefs from the Northwest Territories.
The grand chief says education is one of the issues 'Arising' among the group since classrooms have been shut down.
Specifically how to deal with at home class work in communities where internet connections are intermittent or non-existent.
the grand chief says other challenges include delaying with physical distancing when First Nations culture includes large gatherings and socializing.
Johnston says other issues brought up include how best to deal with tourism and mining, realizing people still need to make money and make a living.
The Grand-Chief says fly in fly out traffic is a big concern for community chiefs.
Grand Chief Johnston says, hunting should NOT be affected too much because it’s more of an individual activity.
You can tune into more discussions with the Grand Chief tomorrow Friday, May 1st, in the morning on Rock the Talk - CHON-FM between 9:00am and 1:00pm.