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Online vaccination information

Premier Sandy Silver speaking at today's COVID-19 update (Facebook.com/yukongov).

The Yukon now has proof of vaccination certificates.

Yukoners can now access a proof of COVID-19 vaccination credential online at yukon.ca/vaccine-proof.


The certificate can be downloaded as a pdf and saved to a phone or printed as a physical copy.


Those who don’t have access the internet can call the COVID-19 InfoLine at 1-877-374-0425, and have their proof mailed to them.


“It will deliver easy access to your COVID-19 vaccination information, while also protecting your personal data,” say Premier Sandy Silver.


Right now, proof of vaccination is needed when returning to Canada from international travel, and in other parts of the country, it is required to enter business and attend events. Silver says there is no government mandate requiring disclosure of vaccine status, but private establishments can make their own rules.


Silver also says there is no guarantee that the credential will be accepted everywhere in the world because standards are still being developed, and it may need to be adjusted as a national vaccine proof system is worked out.


“Our government has been working with the federal government as they coordinate proof of vaccine credentials that are secure and standardized right across the country. The Yukon credential is designed to be integrated into Canada’s national system as it’s being developed,” says Silver.


Silver announced the news today at the last scheduled COVID-19 update. He says that with vaccination rates high and case counts low, there is no more need for regular updates. Updates will now be held as necessary.


Currently 83 percent of eligible Yukoners are fully vaccinated and the territory’s active infection count is at 22.


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