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Society Thrilled by Every Student Every Day Fund Raising

“As always, Yukoners came together and can truly lead the way for other organizations and other jurisdictions. We can attest that connecting with our community champions is absolutely possible and is more urgent today than ever.” Yukon Student Encouragement Society President Tara Christie

The volunteer organizers of the Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society’s Every Student, Every Day initiative are thrilled to announce their recent fundraising campaign raised over $260,000 to directly address barriers to safe and regular student attendance in the territory.

Due to COVID-19, Every Student, Every Day innovatively adapted its traditional Gala fundraising event and brought individuals, communities, businesses and donors together through a combined physically-distanced in-person gathering with a broad online sponsorship appeal, silent auction and web cast live auction on Saturday, October 3.

Society President Tara Christie says, “Every Student, Every Day is so grateful to Yukoners and Victoria Gold Corp. shareholders, suppliers and contractors for their continued support of our efforts to encourage students, families and educators during this very challenging time.”

“We’re in awe of the commitment our community demonstrates to our Yukon students’ success, both in school and in life. There are so many people to thank for our fundraising success; in particular, Anne Turner and Angela Drainville for helping make this year’s in-person event a reality.

 “Shifting our fundraising efforts to a virtual platform created a sharp learning curve for all of us involved confirming that we are all students,” continues Christie.

“As always, Yukoners came together and can truly lead the way for other organizations and other jurisdictions. We can attest that connecting with our community champions is absolutely possible and is more urgent today than ever.”

 Since its establishment in 2012, Every Student, Every Day has distributed over $800,000 and directly supported well over 100 grass-roots student attendance projects in almost every Yukon community.

To learn more about Every Student, Every Day, please visit www.everystudenteveryday or find the charity via Facebook and Twitter.

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