Ministry of Energy, Mines and Resources says proposed regulations would target off-road vehicles driving on public land that are negatively impacting the environment.
Energy Mines and Resources Spokesperson Mike Draper says the Yukon Government is currently investigating proposed off-road vehicle regulations in the Territory.
Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai also says that the proposed regulations would aim to better protect the Yukon's environment, including public land off of territorial highways.
Draper says the regulations have been in development since amendments were made to the territorial lands act back in 2014 and that one particular change is striking home with many Yukoners.
"The one that is of interest to many people is the management off-road vehicle (ORV) management areas. When the Yukon Government can establish these ORV management areas,one of the first things we needed to do was provide support regulations and that's what were looking to engage and consult on right now. With these regulations, well be able to better manage the ORV areas and give people better direction of where they can and can't go to protect sensitive areas."
The proposed regulations would target any all-terrain vehicle from dune-buggies, mini-bikes, dirt bikes and motor vehicles driving off territorial highways, regardless if they're registered under the Motor Vehicles Act.
Draper says enforcement is one key discussion matter as the regulations get feedback and are developed.
"Energy, Mines and Resources would be the primary enforcement arm out there to keep an eye. One of the things we'll be looking at is the possibility of other enforcement officers such as conservation officers to give us a hand as well. And this is one of the things we'll be asking Yukoners."
While Draper says population increase does put added pressure on the environment from off-road vehicles, they're are other factors at play as well.
"The machines are getting bigger and have better horsepower and better more capability of getting further in the backcountry. I think the population is definitelya factor but the advancement of technology is something else we've been noticing."
Yukoners wanting to share their feedback on the proposed regulations can do so by April 8th on the Engage Yukon website.