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Yukon University Approved for Kids Summer Camps 2020

Summer camps for children and youth aged 6-14 at Yukon University were approved to operate with limited capacity by the Yukon Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) last week.

Summer camps for children and youth aged 6-14 at Yukon University were approved to operate with limited capacity by the Yukon Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) last week. Registration reopened Friday at noon and, as of Monday morning, many camps are already full.

The camps currently remain operating under the title YC Kids Camps. They focus on providing age-appropriate, hands-on activities in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) and Trades, which encourages participants to explore their sense of wonder. Camps will run from June 15 to August 14.

All camps will take place at Ayamdigut campus in Whitehorse and camp staff have implemented numerous measures to ensure the health and safety of themselves, participants and their families:

Group sizes will be limited to 10 - eight participants and two facilitators. There will be no larger, mixed group activities. Each camp group will have a designated indoor and outdoor space and washroom facility for their use only.

Camp groups will not share class materials and any re-used materials will be disinfected prior to use by another camp. Activities for each group will support physical distancing however, given participant ages, staff would like parents to be aware that physical distancing will not be rigorously enforced within each group.

Extended care before and after camps each day will not be available.

Campers will not be allowed to attend camp if they are presenting any flu like symptoms - parents must sign a COVID Screening Agreement in advance of camp as well as be present for the active symptom screening of their child(ren) at drop off.

Given the unprecedented circumstances and need to maintain strict health and safety measures, if exhibiting any symptoms of illness, registered participants may withdraw up to one business day before the camp begins and receive a full refund. Information on camp themes, registration and wait lists can be found on the YC Kids' Camps page at YukonU.ca.

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