As Yukon College transitions to Yukon University next spring, enabling legislation needs to be enacted to make Canada's first University north of 60 a reality. Between May 15th and June 30th, the Government of Yukon sought feedback from Yukoners through an online survey.
Yukon College is in the process of transitioning to Yukon University next spring and part of the transition is the requirement to enact enabling legislation to make Canada’s first University north of 60 a reality.
The Government of Yukon asked for feedback on the proposed legislation from the public, as well as First Nations governments, municipal governments, and other partners to ensure the collective voice of Yukoners was considered in the drafting of the legislation.
Feedback on key aspects of the legislation, including the mandate for Yukon University, accountability indicators, government oversight of the university, the governance model for the university and program delivery in the communities was received by more than 350 people.
High quality affordable education was a common sentiment amongst survey respondents.
As a hybrid university it is important to Yukoners that trades, skills development, and second language support be maintained and Yukoners also wanted to ensure that the rural communities are not left out when it comes to educational curriculum and programming.
The survey was open for responses between May 15th, and June 30th 2019.
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